Years ago I signed in to donate every year a small amount of money to the Foundation MONKEY. The organization uses these donations to release monkeys and other small animals to give them a new chance for a worthy life. These animals have lived for years, or even their whole life, under miserable circumstances with private persons, merchants or in laboratories. It always grabs me when I see how merciless and without any respect these animals are treated , better say maltreated. Imagine a life in captivity under most extreme circumstances like bad treatment, housing and wrong food. I can not find the words to express what I feel when I see this. It's a shame for human beings to treat these creatures this way. I have rewritten this weblog twice now because I have too many bad examples of animal maltreatment, but then the narration becomes much too long and too sad.
18 juni 2009. Net als de andere donateurs van Stichting AAP had ik een uitnodiging gekregen om het onderkomen van de opgevangen apen in Almere te komen bekijken. De bedoeling was om inzicht te geven in wat er al was gedaan met de bijdragen en schenkingen. Er was een tent op het terrein voor de ingang geplaatst, waar de bezoekers werden ontvangen met koffie en koek en waar folders en foto's waren uitgestald om alvast een beetje inzicht te krijgen. Eerst kregen we een filmvoorstelling waarin we in de film welkom werden geheten door David van Gennep, directeur van Stichting AAP (Redding Chimpansee Freddy an bavianen Albert en Louis) . Zelf was hij op dat ogenblik voor enkele dagen in Spanje waar een nieuw project was gestart. Over dit project werd veel uitleg gegeven, maar ook over de verschillende apen die na re-socialistatie weer in groepen konden worden teruggeplaatst of zelfs konden worden teruggezet in hun eigen vrije leefomgeving.
June 18, 2009. Like the other donors of Foundation MONKEY I had gotten an invitation to come over and see how the freed monkeys are doing in Almere. The intention was to give insight in what already was achieved with the contributions and presents. There was a tent on the grounds in front of the entrance where the visitors became welcomed with coffee and cake and where leaflets and photographs had been displayed. Firstly there was a film presentation in which we became welcomed by David van Gennep, manager of Foundation MONKEY (Saving chimpansee Freddy and baboons Albert and Louis). He apologized for his absence because he was in Spain for a couple of days where a new project had been started. We were provided with a lot information about this new project and an extended explanation was given about stages of re-socialization of the different monkeys in groups of their own sort. After re-socialization they have a chance to become freed in their own habitat.
De bezoekers werden in groepen ingedeeld die onder begeleiding van deskundige vrijwilligers zouden worden rondgeleid langs de kolonies apen die op de eilanden zijn ondergebracht.
The visitors became divided in groups and would be taken , under accompaniment of expert volunteers, along the monkey colonies who were housed on separated islands.
At the entry of the separated monkey islands my attention was immediately caught by this sign on which was to read how cheerfully this Capuchin monkey is with its recovered freedom and now has a good monkeys life elsewhere in nature between its congeners. This is the ultimate target of the Foundation, to bring them back in the natural habitat. That does not succeeds always, but after all the animals get their freedom with congeners on one of the islands.
Het voederen van de dieren gaat op gezette tijden en er worden allerlei methoden toegepast om ze op een zo natuurlijk mogelijke manier aan hun voedsel te laten komen. Hier staan de verzorgers boven op het dak van de nachtverblijven en gooien lekkernijen in de richting van de apen. De spanning is van de verwachtingsvolle gezichten af te lezen en duidelijk was te zien dat ze het leuk vonden.
The animals are fed on certain times and many methods are applied to let them find their food in most natural ways. Here the caretakers are standing on the roof of the night residence and throw delicacies in the direction of the monkeys. The tension is to read from the expectant faces and it was clear that they enjoyed it very much.
What struck me was, that contact with humans was avoided as much as possible. To be monkey between monkeys that is the motto. :-)
Op diverse plaatsen zag je dat er innige vriendschappen en relaties waren opgebouwd en ook openlijk zichtbaar werden gemaakt, maar het bleef allemaal binnen de groep.
On various places we saw that profound friendships and relations had been built up and openly showed but it remained all within the group.
Er werd ons getoond waaruit de voeding voor de apen bestaat en in welke samenstellingen het aan de dieren wordt gegeven. De verzorgster hier op de foto gaf uitgebreide uitleg en toonde ons ook welke hulpmiddelen en speeltjes worden gebruikt om de dieren ook bezig te houden. Ze moeten er een beetje moeite voor doen om het uit buisjes of kokertjes te peuteren, Een soort bezigheidstherapie dus :-)
A volunteer showed us, from what components the feeding for the monkeys exists, and in which compositions it is given to the animals. The nurse here on the photograph gave extensive explanations and showed us also which aids and toys are used to keep the animals busy. They must do some tricky things to pick the food out of tubes or small containers, a kind of occupations therapy thus : -)
A separated connection to another area right through the monkeys free territory. Our guide asked us to keep walking till the and not to stop in these 'cage'. This was the other world in which we came. The free monkeys at the outside and we visitors walking in a closed space. Actually very funny.
Het was een leerzame ervaring en ik besloot een andere terugweg te keizen van Almere naar Callantsoog. Ik besloot om via Lelystad over de Markerwaarddijk naar huis te rijden.
It was a teachable experience and I decided to choose a different road to drive back home to avoid the traffic around Amsterdam. I drove via Lelystad and the Markerwaarddijk (dyke 32km) to Callantsoog.
Whenever I drive over the Markerwaarddijk or the Afsluitdijk, I always think of the fact that I'm driving my small car straight through the former Zuiderzee with the speed of 120 km/ph. you.
Hier zijn enkele verwijzingen naar rare filmpjes op YouTube waar je kan zien hoe mensonwaardig dieren worden behandeld. Met kettingen om de hals en met zwepen moeten zij kunstjes doen voor vermaak. Schandalig.
Here are a few references to odd films on YouTube where you can see how degrading animals are treated. With chains round the neck and with whips in the hands of their "boss" they must do their tricks to entertain people. Scandalous.
For more information about animal abuse:
Google: "Circusdieren"
Google: "circus animals abuse"
Have a wonderful day!
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