Also today December 30, 2008 the day began with bright sunlight and a blue sky and it froze light, somewhere around -3° C, and there was no wind. Altogether a beautiful day to go out for a long walk. This time I had chosen for "Het Zwanenwater" probably best translated in "The Swan Lake", which is a protected nature area at the edge of the village where I live, Callantsoog.

After months hanging around at home, this was perhaps the moment for a new start for going outdoors to relax. On my wandering through this beautiful nature area, I climbed on a dune from where I had a beautiful view on the "first puddle". There are two large fens where especially birds find a save area. At the other side of the dune on which I stood I could also see the "second puddle".

The water had been frozen but I don't know if the ice was strong enough to skate on. I didn't try to find out. I remember this place from former years, where the winters were really cold. In the early '60s we could skate here free, I remember that I made my rounds here at that time. Actually I don't know whether it is allowed to skate here nowadays. The world has been changed.
Hoe laag de zon staat in deze tijd van het jaar en het het tijdstip rond 11 uur 's morgens, is te zien op deze foto. Op de foto er naast is de toegang tot de observatiehut te zien. De loopbrug is over het water gebouwd en afgeschermd door deze rietschermen om de vogels niet af te schrikken. Aan het einde van deze brug is de hut te zien waar ook informatie over de vele vogels is te vinden. Alleen in deze tijd van het jaar houden de vogels zich schuil en zijn nauwelijks zichtbaar.
On this photo you can see how low the sun stood in this time of the year around 11:00 in the morning. On the next photo there you see the entry to the birds observation hut. The bridge has been built over the water and separated by reed screens not to frighten the birds. (please, send me the correct words, I guessed this line :-) At the end of the bridge is the hut where also information about the many birds can to be found. Only in this time of the year, the birds hide and are scarcely visible.

You can look at your surroundings from different perspectives.Mostly I prefer to see a total image of the surroundings in which I am, but I have also an eye for small details. For me it is just looking at the ground to see the fine structure of frost. All those little ice crystals are really beautiful.

And with these musings, we walk over the bridge into the new year 2009. A new period with hope for better times in front of us. The same thoughts and wishes as each year.... The year we leave behind us had setbacks and sorrow, but brought also a lot of luck and fun. A year with good and bad news lies behind us. We are prepared with trust for a new start, with well meant resoles such as; we will slim, we stop smoking, we will be dear for each other etcetera..... I wish for everybody a healthy and successful year and love. I hope that all your beautiful dreams will become reality.
Happy New Year!