I am back after a long pause. From now on I'll try to write regularly again. The computer works fine now for a while, but there was so much to do to put everything back in its place, so there was not much time left to write in my blog. Alright, I am back again and this is a warming up for a new start. I want to thank everybody for the amusing comments and encouragements in the previous post.
After the Saint Nicholas celebration the decorations in all stores were fast replaced by Christmas decorations. In the shopping center in Schagen they are always fast to replace the old ones by new festive decorations, and I like to go there to see what's new this year.
This little girl looked quite attentive into this stall and wondered if this deer was real. Grandmother looked also full interest.
Eerst bekeek ze het hertje van alle kanten en probeerde het een stukje van haar broodje te geven, maar het dier gaf geen krimp en bleef stokstijf staan. Nou dan maar een aai over zijn kop, dat moest ook goed zijn. Het is erg leuk om die kleintjes gade te slaan en te zien hoe zij opgaan in alle nieuwe ontdekkingen.
Firstly she looked at the deer from all sides and then she tried to give one piece of her roll, but the animal gave no sign of life and remained standing like a broom. Now then just a caress over its head, that was also good she thought. It is very amusing to see those children how interested they are in all new discoveries.
Doordat ik zo achter geraakt ben, was dit een verhaaltje wat eigenlijk was blijven liggen. Ik laat het nu toch maar zien om te tonen dat ik er echt nog ben. Ik hoop de volgende keer wat meer te kunnen vertellen.
Also in the shopping center in Den Helder was some decoration, but that could not tip at what I saw in Schagen.
Because I have not been writing lately, this is an old story and remained actually on the shelf here. I want to tell more the next time.
For now I'm glad that everything works again.
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