Next Saturday, January 9 then it is Jufo's birthday then she is 12 years old. For a German Shepherd is that an high age. Despite her age and the infirmities of old age, she enjoys this life. She is our best friend and has shared many years with us in joy and sorrow. We are grateful for her unconditional loyalty and for the joyful time she shared with us. She can be noisy, but it seems that everybody has accepted that habit. :-)
Dat het leven nog de moeite waard en leuk is, dat laat ze uit alles blijken. Spelletjes met een bal, een oude sok of versleten sloffen doen haar ogen twinkelen en geven haar energie. En nu er weer sneeuw ligt is het helemaal dolle pret. Jufo geeft ons altijd een goed gevoel, zij maakt mij rustig en verdraagzaam, terwijl ik dat van nature helemaal niet ben. Dus laten we zeggen dat ze een goede invloed op mij heeft.
With everything she does she shows us that life is amusing and worth to live. When she plays with a ball, an old sock or a worn out shoe then her eyes begin to twinkle and she gets energy from the game. And now in the snow she has such great fun. Jufo has given us always a good feeling, she makes me calm and tolerantly, while I am not by nature. So, let's say that she has a positive influence on me.
s' Morgens bij het opstaan kijk ik altijd eerst uit het raam om te zien wat voor weer het is. Deze ochtend vroor het licht en er was weer wat sneeuw gevallen. De maan stond in het Westen, hoog aan een heldere hemel. Terwijl ik dit alles opschrijf hebben wolken zich samengepakt waaruit nu gestaag sneeuw neerdaalt. En zo zie je maar weer dat de eenvoudige dingen ook te beschrijven zijn.
Mooie dag gewenst.
When I get up in the morning the first thing I always do, is looking outside to see what kind of weather it is. This morning it froze light and it had snown a bit. The moon stood in the Western clear sky. While I write this post, clouds packed together from which now fresh snow falls. And as you can notice one can write a few words about the most simple things.
Wish you a beautiful day.

Good morning, Herman. I love your dog. They are such good companions to us and ask so little. You must be more patient than youu think because I know the work it takes to arrive at your ability on the PC. It is so nice to view your pictures and read your comments on the weather. I'm a "weather watcher" too. I love observing nature on any level. It's a fascinating world we live in.
ReplyDeleteIn all the years I lived in the Netherlands, snow came on my path one time and then in half an hour it was is fun to see it cover the land as it is now!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday for dear Jufo ( also congrats from my dog IOS , she is 10 1/2 now) and a happy new Year (2010) for you Herman!!!
ReplyDeleteJufo is a wonderful companion for you. Even though she is getting older, I hope she enjoys many more happy years with you.
ReplyDeleteJufo is so sweet. What a wonderful companion she is for you.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Jufo. She is a beautiful girl, and a wonderful companion for you. It looks like she is enjoying the snow that has fallen near you.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Herman, and Happy Birthday to Jufo. She is a beautifl dog.
ReplyDeleteThe snow is so peaceful, I always enjoy it. We only had an inch of snow so far this winter and it melted right away. That is an amazing photo of your neighbourhood with the moon shining. I am happy to know you have such nice neighbours.
gefeliciteerd met Jufo Hij ziet er erg lief uit. De sneeuw is ook mooi maar mijn familie klaagt er flink over