The snow has almost disappeared here in North Holland. What's left is some dirty black snow along the verge of the roads. The temperatures go up and down around the 0° C which feels like -4° C, thus no reason to say that it is nice weather. Really unstable weather as the forecasters call this kind of weather.
Telkens probeer ik plannen te maken om op pad te gaan en leuke dingen te gaan doen in de buitenlucht, maar even zo vaak kom ik er op terug. De donkere kille dagen en de onaangename temperatuur houden mij toch weer thuis. Vanmorgen moest ik wel even naar Schagen om wat boodschappen te doen. Voor de ingang van het winkelcentrum zat deze Roemeense muzikant. Hij speelde enkele opzwepende muziekstukken op virtuose wijze. Met een opgewekt gezicht, muts op, dikke jas en handschoenen aan speelde hij de sterren van de hemel. Af en toe gooide een vluchtige voorbijganger enkele munten in zijn accordeontas, maar zoefde daarna gauw door de deuren het verwarmde winkelcentrum binnen of naar de geparkeerde auto. Onverstoorbaar speelde hij verder en knikte vriendelijk naar de mensen die even naar hem keken of luisterde, maar het was stil.... erg stil.
I'm trying to make plans to go outdoors to do nice things in the open air, but after a while I cancel my ideas. The dark chilly days and the unpleasant temperatures keep me inside. This morning I went to Schagen for a few errands. In front of the entrance of the shopping centre sat this Romanian musician. He played Romanian music on his accordion in a virtuoso manner (way?). With a happy face, his hat on, wearing a warm coat and gloves he played the stars from heaven. Quick passers-by threw a few coins in his accordion bag then they ran immediately and quickly into the heated shopping centre or to their parked car. Imperturbably he played further and nodded kindly to the people who just looked at him or listened a moment to his music, but it was quite... very quietly.
Hallo herman Lekker om weer in het nederlands te lezen. Roemeense muziek Dat was er niet toen ik er woonde. Apart dat die man zo helemaal in zijn eentje kan blijven spelen en blijven lachen
I always find that buskers cheer up the soulless areas of towns with their music, and yet, as you pointed out, sometimes they perform in places where cold or heat drive the rest of us indoors, but when you drop a coin in their hat or music case, they are always ready to smile and thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of this man makes me smile. My husband plays accordian (because his German parents made him learn as a child, although he wanted to learn guitar). My husband still has his little red accordian from Germany and he plays uplifting happy melodies.