Eigenlijk zijn nagenoeg al mijn Blogvrienden verhuisd naar Facebook, Twitter en andere social networks. Dat is jammer, want dat zijn nu juist omgevingen waarin ik mij niet zo thuis voel. Veelal wordt er overloos geleuterd en de dingen die daar worden geschreven spreken mij helemaal niet aan. Een weblog vind ik veel leuker. De mensen die een weblog onderhouden zijn veel creatiever. Ze ontwerpen hun eigen pagina, schrijven leuke en interessante stukjes over zaken die hen dagelijks of in het algemeen bezighouden en fleuren hun verhaal nog eens op met leuke tekeningen of foto's. Ook ik had de moed al helemaal opgegeven om verder te gaan met stukjes schrijven en foto's maken. Om actuele foto's te maken moet ik toch naar buiten, leuke dingen opzoeken, naar een museum, dierentuin of een evenement bezoeken. Er op uit gaan om over iets te kunnen schrijven of foto's te delen met anderen. Ik heb dat al een aantal jaren met veel plezier gedaan en heb ook altijd met veel interesse de verhalen en verhaaltjes van anderen gelezen. Maar helaas schijnt daar een einde aan te komen en sta ik op het punt veel van deze contacten te verliezen. Om deze reden probeer ik het nog eens en hoop dat anderen ook weer terugkomen met verhalen over hun belevenissen. Nu vul ik voornamelijk mijn tijd met mijn grote vriend Rex. We trekken er dagelijks op uit en vertoeven urenlang op het strand, in het duingebied bij het Zwanenwater in Callantsoog of zoeken het kleine bos bij het dorp Petten op om daar weer nieuwe dingen te beleven. Mijn hond geniet volop en ook ik heb er plezier in. Maar toch mis ik ook de verhalen van anderen. Kom op.... doe weer eens mee, we hoeven elkaar toch niet helemaal kwijt te raken aan andere social networks?
Actually, almost all of my Blog Friends moved to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. That is unfortunate, because these are precisely areas in which I don't feel very familiar. Often a lot of piffle about meaningless things. In my opinion a blog gives much more fun. People who maintain a blog are often more creative. They design their own page, write funny and interesting pieces on matters affecting their daily life or are engaged in general, then they brighten up their stories with nice drawings or photographs. I too have reached the point to give up the courage to proceed with writing and sharing pictures. For pictures, I have to go outside to find interesting things, sometimes going to a museum, a Zoo or attend an event. I have to find a subject to write about or to shoot photos to share with others. I have already spent a lot of time in several years on blog writing and I have always been extremely interested in stories from others. But unfortunately it seems to come to an end and I think I am going to lose many of these contacts. For this reason I try it again and hope that others also come back with stories about their experiences. Now I fill most of my time with my dog and great friend Rex. Every day we go out spending hours on the beach, the dunes at Swan Water in Callantsoog or the woods near the small village of Petten to experience new adventures. My dog fully enjoys these outings and so do I. Yet I miss the stories of others. Come on .... Tell us your stories again, we do not need to lose each other to other social networks, do we?
Actually, almost all of my Blog Friends moved to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. That is unfortunate, because these are precisely areas in which I don't feel very familiar. Often a lot of piffle about meaningless things. In my opinion a blog gives much more fun. People who maintain a blog are often more creative. They design their own page, write funny and interesting pieces on matters affecting their daily life or are engaged in general, then they brighten up their stories with nice drawings or photographs. I too have reached the point to give up the courage to proceed with writing and sharing pictures. For pictures, I have to go outside to find interesting things, sometimes going to a museum, a Zoo or attend an event. I have to find a subject to write about or to shoot photos to share with others. I have already spent a lot of time in several years on blog writing and I have always been extremely interested in stories from others. But unfortunately it seems to come to an end and I think I am going to lose many of these contacts. For this reason I try it again and hope that others also come back with stories about their experiences. Now I fill most of my time with my dog and great friend Rex. Every day we go out spending hours on the beach, the dunes at Swan Water in Callantsoog or the woods near the small village of Petten to experience new adventures. My dog fully enjoys these outings and so do I. Yet I miss the stories of others. Come on .... Tell us your stories again, we do not need to lose each other to other social networks, do we?
De bollenvelden worden goed nat gehouden, zon en wind moeten de rest doen. De eerste bloemen komen voorzichtig uit maar binnen enkele dagen staat alles in bloei met de kleine narcissen "Tète a Tète"
The bulb fields will be kept wet, sun and wind must do the rest. The first flowers grow gently but within a few days the fields are in bloom with little daffodils called "Tête à Tête"
En zo zien de velden er twee dagen later al uit. Zo gaat het elk jaar en het verveelt nooit om er naar te kijken.
And this is how the fields look like within two days. We get never bored when looking at it.
Ondertussen vermaakt Rex zich uitstekend in het duingebied langs het Zwanenwater. Er valt voor hem zoveel te ontdekken en hij heeft het er druk mee om alles te onderzoeken.
Meanwhile Rex entertains himself perfectly in the dunes along Swan Water. There is much to discover for him and it keeps him busy to explore all the new stuff.
Meanwhile Rex entertains himself perfectly in the dunes along Swan Water. There is much to discover for him and it keeps him busy to explore all the new stuff.
Soms gaan we naar het Pettemer Bos, daar valt ook van alles te beleven voor Rex. Op deze mooie dag hebben we ook weer een flinke wandeling gemaakt. In dit gebied ontdekt hij geuren die hem naar konijnenholletjes leiden. Daarbij vindt hij ook konijnenkeutels en denkt dan dat het droogvoer is, maar hij is er nu achter dat dit een vergissing is.
Sometimes we go to the Pettemer Forest, there is also plenty to do for Rex. On this beautiful day, we made again a long walk. In this area he discovered that certain fragrances lead to rabbit burrows. In addition he also found rabbit droppings and thought that it was dry food, but he has now learned that this was a mistake.
The trees have to come in bloom yet, so everything looks a bit brown but if you look closely you will see the buttons on the branches, it is still a matter of a few weeks and everything is covered with green leaves.
Op elke wandeling komen we andere mensen tegen die hun hond uitlaten en dat is ook zo fijn om even helemaal uit je dak te gaan, spelen, rennen en ravotten tot je er bij neervalt.
During every walk we meet other people walking their dogs and that's so nice to do crazy things, to run and play until you drop.
Dan samen even uitrusten en elkaar eens nader bekijken en besnuffelen. Leuk kennis te hebben gemaakt en nu thuis lekker uitzakken voor de rest van de dag.
Then take a breather together, have a closer look at each other and a sniff at the rear end. It was nice to meet you my friend and now we're heading home for the rest of the day.
Voor de afwisseling weer eens langs de vloedlijn lopen en kijken of er nog iets lekkers te vinden is.... een garnaal of een ander weekdiertje, maar ook dat moet hij nog afleren om alles maar te willen proeven.
A walk along the tide line for a change, searching for something to eat .... shrimp or other mollusc, but Rex has to unlearn to taste everything.
A walk along the tide line for a change, searching for something to eat .... shrimp or other mollusc, but Rex has to unlearn to taste everything.
De zee is hier nog schoon, maar wat je soms op het strand vind maakt niet altijd blij. Het water van de Noordzee bij Callantsoog behoort tot de schoonste van de Nederlandse kust en dat moeten we graag zo houden.
The sea is still clean, but sometimes you find rubbish on the beach and that does not make you happy. The water of the North Sea at Callantsoog belongs to the cleanest of the Dutch coast and we want to keep it that way.
Als de schepen op de drukke Noordzee hun rommel nu eens binnen boord hielden dan kunnen onze kleinkinderen hier ook fijn hun zandkastelen blijven bouwen.
When the ships keep their rubbish and clutter on board on the busy North Sea, then our children and grandchildren can play on the beaches and build sandcastles.
Vreemde gewaarwording.... Een dode bruivis, aangespoeld op het strand van Callantsoog. Op het eerste gezicht een gaaf beestje maar er zat toch wat bloed bij de neusgaten en de mond. Ik weet niet wat de doodsoorzaak is geweest. Ik heb de strandvonder gebeld en het kadavertje zou zo spoedig mogelijk worden opgehaald. Geloof het of niet, maar het is echt aandoenlijk om zo'n kleine dolfijn zo te zien, zou het komen door de vorm van het hoofd? Normaal kijk je niet op van een dode vis, nee toch?
Strange feeling .... A dead porpoise, washed ashore at Callantsoog. At first glance a complete creature, looking better I saw some blood in the nostrils and mouth. I do not know what the cause of its death was. I have called the beach authority and the remains would be removed as soon as possible. Believe it or not, but it's really touching to see such a small dolphin, would it be the shape of the head?.... The eyes. Or is it still a dead fish?
Strange feeling .... A dead porpoise, washed ashore at Callantsoog. At first glance a complete creature, looking better I saw some blood in the nostrils and mouth. I do not know what the cause of its death was. I have called the beach authority and the remains would be removed as soon as possible. Believe it or not, but it's really touching to see such a small dolphin, would it be the shape of the head?.... The eyes. Or is it still a dead fish?
Op weer een andere tocht langs de waterkant zag ik deze witte roos aan de vloedlijn in het zand liggen. Ik kan me hier van alles bij voorstellen, maar de meest voor de hand liggende gedachte is dat deze roos in zee is gegooid als eerbetoon aan iemand die in zee is achtergebleven. De roos zag er nog zo fris uit en de gedachte die ik hierboven beschreef speelt nog steeds door mijn hoofd.
On another trip along the beach I saw this white rose close to the tide line. I can imagine what the story could have been behind this single rose. The most obvious thought is that this rose was thrown into the sea as a tribute to someone who was lost in the North-sea. The rose looked so fresh and the thought I described goes still through my mind.
On another trip along the beach I saw this white rose close to the tide line. I can imagine what the story could have been behind this single rose. The most obvious thought is that this rose was thrown into the sea as a tribute to someone who was lost in the North-sea. The rose looked so fresh and the thought I described goes still through my mind.
Eerst dacht Rex, dat er een mens op het strand stond, zo zag het er ook uit vanuit de verte. Omzichtig naderde hij dit bouwsel, blafte er een paar keer naar maar toen er geen reactie kwam ging hij maar eens van nabij kijken en snuffelde de omgeving af. Niets aan de hand dus, maar wat was het nu?
The first thought of Rex was that a small man with a big head stood on the beach. From a distance it looked like a person. Cautiously he approached this structure, barked a few times but got no response... then he came closer and sniffed around that thing. Nothing wrong with it , but what was it?
ZWERFVUIL.... verzameld door voorbijgangers en zichtbaar op Strandpaal 14 gelegd zodat de strandvonder deze rommel mee kon nemen. Houd onze stranden schoon is ons motto....
RUBBISH .... collected by passers-by and visible placed on Beach pole 14 so that the rubbish could be taken away by the beach authority. Keep our beaches clean is the motto....
Zo.... en na al die wandelingen, speuren, rennen en spelen is het goed rusten bij thuiskomst. Mensen wat is het leven mooi. :-)
Now then.... after all those walks, tracking, running and playing I deserved a well resting at home. Man... life is great. :-)..
I agree with you Herman! I still have my blog, and will always have it, but I just do not have the time to sit and write like I used to. Maybe soon. I, like you, like to read where others go and what they do. So I will keep popping in, you just keep on walking and writting!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely story Herman. I miss my wakes with Homer on the beach. Someday Callie will be old enough to walk in his footsteps.She is too young yet to run loose on the beach. The grass is still brown here but buds are beginning to pop out on the trees in our yard too. Thank you for the beach walk Herman. Sorry I am guilty of facebook and ignoring "blog land". I miss everyone so much, hope people resume this on-line community. I miss sharing and reading every ones stories, please don't stop Herman.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward of your tulips in Holland. They are magnificent displays!
Hugs, Faye
Leuk joh! Dat je dat weer doet, je verhaaltjes zijn leuk en ik blijf je volgen !! Hartelijke groeten Coos
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to see you posting again, Herman. Thank you for sharing your photos - I really enjoy seeing them. Rex is such a beautiful dog and seems like a wonderful companion for you.
ReplyDeleteTake care and hope you have a good weekend.
Beautiful photo's, Herman, and as always I love your commentary. So glad you now have Rex to resume your daily walks; he's a beautiful dog.
ReplyDeleteThe rose on the beach, sigh. It does make one wonder!
Have a wonderful day, and weekend, my friend. ((hugs))
Hi Herman I totally agree. I signed up for facebook as I had to teach it at work but I don't like it at all. Love your post. You live in a beautiful area. What a fortune to live close to the beach I know as we do too. The picture with the rose is so serene and beautiful. Indeed it makes you thinking of how it got there. Poor little dolphin. Is it a baby or just a small kind of dolphin. Here we've got the Hector dolhin which is a real small sort groetjes
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. I have lost interest as well, because it feels like no one really cares anyway. It shouldn't matter but it does. Other people's writing inspires me and reminds me of things to write about. I vow to continue. It would be a shame to give up after so many years.
ReplyDeleteI hope you will continue, as well.
My feelings, exactly, Herman. I don't see the attraction to facebook.....I much prefer blogging. I met good people who became friends and I still enjoy my connections to them. You are one. You are an excellent photographer and I enjoy your stories of where you have been. Keep writing and I must make more time for reading.