Er is veel gebeurd na de vorige post in mijn weblog. Er is in Blogland zo weinig overgebleven wat de moeite waard is om tijd aan te besteden. Daarom besloot ik om nog eens terug te keren naar Facebook. Ik dacht "Misschien kan ik daar weer vrienden terugvinden die ik in Blogger ben kwijtgeraakt". En dat is ook wel gebeurd, maar wat ik daar tegenkom is voor mij erg teleurstellend. Het is deerniswekkend om te zien hoe oppervlakkig daar alles toegaat. Daarom heb ik besloten om helemaal te stoppen met schrijven in zowel mijn Weblog als in Facebook. Ik vind het niet leuk meer en ga mijn tijd zinvoller besteden. Wel zal ik zoveel mogelijk dierbare contacten blijven volgen en waar mogelijk via e-mail contact onderhouden, maar ik stop met tijd en moeite te steken in zaken die mij niet meer raken.
Dus, vanaf deze plaats wens ik iedereen het allerbeste, veel geluk, liefde en voorspoed en misschien treffen we elkaar nog eens ergens in Cyberspace of in een comment.
Much has happened since the last post in my blog. There is so little interest left in Blogland that it isn't worth to spend so much time and effort on it. So I had decided to return to Facebook once again. I thought "Maybe I'll find friends which I've lost in Blogger". And that also happened, but what a disappointment for me. It is pitiful to see how shallow it all goes in Facebook. That's why I decided to completely stop writing in my blog as well as in Facebook. I'll do my very best to stay in touch with as many precious contacts by e-mail , but I've decided to stop investing time and effort in Blogger as well as in Facebook.
So, from this place, I wish you all the best, good luck, love and prosperity, and maybe we meet again somewhere in cyberspace or in a comment.
Goodbye my friends, I'm Sorry,
Hey Herman, I'm sorry to hear that you're giving up your's the end of an era. I wish you'd keep facebook open, though, just in case someone wants to stop in and say hi. Even though we've never met, there's a special place in my heart for you. You helped me set up my blog, you knew my aunt and uncle who are now gone, and you've been a true friend. xo
ReplyDeleteHaving just met you, I'm sorry to see you go... But I understand. It's a huge time commitment. Take care!
ReplyDeleteDAMN! You will be missed my Dutch Friend. Give Bippie a Hug from me and tell her to give you a hug from me too! yeah facebook has become very shallow, but it is a quick way to touch your firends. I will still be blogging but not as often as I used to. Too many faces gone! too many! not enough time! not enough energy, not enough time left on earth to waste sitting behind a computer. I will miss you very much!
ReplyDeleteYou and Elisabeth have been such wonderful friends, Herman. I understand how you feel, but I do hope you won't close your blog~leave it as it is and someday you may have something you want to say. I agree about FB; it is very shallow but unfortunately that's about the only way people stay in touch. I don't write much on there, but I do check it to see if any of family or friends have posted especially those I don't get to see much anymore.
ReplyDeleteI know we will ALWAYS and FOREVER be friends, and I'd be very upset if we lost touch.
(((((HUGS TO YOU BOTH)))))
Sorry to hear of this. Blogging is a way to journal, and you can leave it alone for a few months but go back and it's there. I am keeping my blog but rarely post on it. Maybe some day I will return.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mary Lou...the old gang are going in different directions. Since I retired I thought I would have more time to do it...but then it seemed more like a job. So I only post when I want to. Now with facebook I only have to say something naughty once at day lol. I miss Curtis and Ellen so much ,,, they were wonderful people. As for you...dear man there is no need to stop blogging if you like doing it. Facebook is good too...I resisted it at first...and it doesn't tell the story you are used to reading. But we ... or some of us post ..but not every day.
ReplyDeleteTja, Herman, waarom zo radicaal en zwart wit. Ik ben het met bovenstaande commentaren eens, je kunt toch zo nu en dan een van je leuke stukken schrijven zonder je verplicht te voelen iedere week iets te maken. Het moet geen "baan" worden . . . . .toch? Je ziet dat men erom geeft wat je doet dus . . . . . . ! En af en toe een kreet op FB is toch niet al te veel moeite ?
ReplyDeleteIk hoop dat je standpunt wat kan aanpassen zodat we je via deze wegen niet kwijtraken !!
Hartelijke groeten , Coos
Oh, I'm so sorry. And here I am trying to get back into blogging. Wish you would stay in touch with us on Facebook. I don't do any of the games or silly stuff on FB. Guess I'm lucky, because I really have had some very interesting conversations on FB about lots of different topics.
ReplyDeleteTake care, Herman.
It seems like so many of our blogging friends have stopped posting (me included). I'm keeping my blog and hopefully, one day, I might post again. I do hope you will keep in touch by email as you've been such a good friend. Best wishes to you and Beppie. I hope you have an enjoyable summer! Take care!
ReplyDeleteWat jammer Je schreef leuke en infromatieve stukjes in je blog. I blog al sinds 2007 en kan niet zonder omdat ik van fotograferen houdt en het leuk vindt om de foto's met anderen te delen. Nou ik zie je waarschijlijk op andere plaatsen Doei
ReplyDeleteDear friend...I am so sorry to see you are ending your blogging. I was inspired by your excellent photography and good reporting around the many scenic trips you took us on.
ReplyDeleteI understand your reason for leaving as there are few readers anymore and very little commenting. I do not like facebook at all....and use it very seldom. I will continue blogging because of family and friends. I am nearing completion on some remodeling and will be able to write more when it's done. I will always be glad for the time you've given to all of us.