Saturday, 26 December 2009

Bedankt - Thank You

Bedankt voor alle mooie kaarten. We zullen ze weer bewaren en er later nog eens op terugkijken.

Thanks for the lovely cards. We will keep them in a special box so we can look at them later.


  1. Your cards are beautiful. I hope to post some pictures tomorrow (as we have plans for dinner tonight). I've taken the photos, but now I need to upload them on the computer.

    Thanks for sharing your cards and always taking so much time to blog. I enjoy reading your blog very much. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Hi Herman...I cheated and had John change your address. I tried two hours and gave up. Ha!! I had fun looking at your cards and finally picked out the one I sent you and Beppie. It was fun, looking. I will miss your old address but looking forward to new blogs. You do so well with pictures and story telling. Keep them coming...Love to you and Beppie.
