Zondag 20 september ben ik naar Rotterdam gereisd om een voorstelling te zien van "Walking with dinosaurs" in de Ahoy Arena. Na een treinreis van 2 uur kwam ik aan op het Centraal Station en moest toen op zoek naar het metro station. Het is nog steeds één grote bouwput waar het nieuwe station wordt gebouwd, maar de aanwijzingen om op de juiste plaats te komen zijn duidelijk en ik kwam ruimschoots op tijd aan bij de nieuwe "poortjes" om daar voor het eerst met de OV-Chipkaart in te checken.
Sunday September 20 I have been to Rotterdam to see the show "Walking with Dinosaurs" in the Ahoy Arena. After a journey of 2 hours by train I arrived at the Central Station in Rotterdam and had to find my way to the subway station. It is still one large building site where the new station will rise. The indications to find the way to several places are clear and it was easy to find the new "Electronic ticket gates" to check in for the Metro.
Sunday September 20 I have been to Rotterdam to see the show "Walking with Dinosaurs" in the Ahoy Arena. After a journey of 2 hours by train I arrived at the Central Station in Rotterdam and had to find my way to the subway station. It is still one large building site where the new station will rise. The indications to find the way to several places are clear and it was easy to find the new "Electronic ticket gates" to check in for the Metro.
After a short ride with the Subway train, I walked from Station Zuidplein in a straight way to Ahoy. There the visitors lined up before the entrance that had been indicated on the tickets. Thousands of people passed the many entries in about 30 - 40 minutes and the Arena streamed full with adults and children who looked forward to what the show would bring.

De lichten gingen uit en langzaam werd de aarde geprojecteerd op een groot beeldscherm. Op afstand stond daar een nietige figuur en er werd aangekondigd dat dit de paleontoloog was die ons zou vergezellen door miljoenen jaren van evolutie. We zouden een reis gaan maken door de tijd en teruggaan de tijdperken waarin de wereld bewoond werd door wezens die evolueerden tot dieren die we nu dinosauriers noemen. Het bestaan van deze dieren is vastgesteld door de vele opgravingen van overblijfselen over de hele wereld.
The lights became switched off and the earth became slowly visible on a large screen. From a distance of the screen stood a small person and there was announced that he
was the paleontologist who would accompany us through millions of years of evolution. From this point we would make a trip through the time and go back to the eras in which the world became inhabited by animals that evolved to animals that we know of as dinosaurs. The existence of these animals has been determined by the many excavations of remains everywhere in the world.
The lights became switched off and the earth became slowly visible on a large screen. From a distance of the screen stood a small person and there was announced that he
was the paleontologist who would accompany us through millions of years of evolution. From this point we would make a trip through the time and go back to the eras in which the world became inhabited by animals that evolved to animals that we know of as dinosaurs. The existence of these animals has been determined by the many excavations of remains everywhere in the world.

The story lines were clear and the paleontologist told us about the lifestyle of the different dinosaurs, how they walked and how they mutually behaved. The movements were lifelike and the supporting music made the show extra exciting and impressively.

Vooral indrukwekkend waren de scenes waarin vleesetende soorten probeerden om grote planteneters aan te vallen om een flinke prooi te verswchalken. Anderszijds hoe die enorme kolossen in de verdediging gingen en de aanval wisten af te slaan. Er was telkens een goed afloop en waarschijnlijk was dit een opluchting voor de kinderen die er naar keken, maar spannend was het wel.
Especially the scenes in which carnivores tried to attack large herbivorous animals to catch a big prey. On the other hand how those enormous colossus went off the attack
and defended themselves. Each time there was a happy ending and probably was it a relief for the children who looked at the "fights", but it was exciting!
Especially the scenes in which carnivores tried to attack large herbivorous animals to catch a big prey. On the other hand how those enormous colossus went off the attack
and defended themselves. Each time there was a happy ending and probably was it a relief for the children who looked at the "fights", but it was exciting!

Alle bewegingen en geluiden van de getoonde dinosauriers waren razend knap gemaakt en met een klein beetje voorstellingsvermogen werden deze technische hoogstandjes een beetje werkelijkheid.
All movements and sounds of the shown dinosaurs were magnificent and with a little bit imagination these technical high performances became almost reality.
All movements and sounds of the shown dinosaurs were magnificent and with a little bit imagination these technical high performances became almost reality.

Aan het einde van de voorstelling kreeg de "acteur" paleontoloog een daverend applaus voor zijn voordracht. Een voorstelling waar ik enorm van heb genoten. Aan het eind van deze blog plaats ik twee doorverbindingen naar video's die in bewegende beelden meer vertellen over hoe deze productie tot stand is gekomen.
At the end of the show, the "actor" paleontologist got a resounding applause for his lecture. A performance which I tremendously have enjoyed. At the end of this blogpost I will place two links to video's with extensive information about this production.
At the end of the show, the "actor" paleontologist got a resounding applause for his lecture. A performance which I tremendously have enjoyed. At the end of this blogpost I will place two links to video's with extensive information about this production.

Na de voorstelling verliet het publiek de Ahoy Arena om ieder zijn weg te gaan. Ik ging weer terug naar de Metro aan het Zuidplein en ging terug naar het Centraal Station in Rotterdam, om de twee uur durende treinreis naar huis te vervolgen.
After the show, the public left the Ahoy Arena, everyone going their own way. I went to the Subway station at the Zuidplein and then to the Central Station in Rotterdam to catch the train which would bring me back home.
After the show, the public left the Ahoy Arena, everyone going their own way. I went to the Subway station at the Zuidplein and then to the Central Station in Rotterdam to catch the train which would bring me back home.

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