Gisterochtend ging ik naar Schagen om te kijken of mijn bestelling bij de boekhandel aangekomen was. Ik had een boek besteld dat de gebeurtenissen tijdens en na de ramp in New Orleans beschrijft, veroorzaakt door de orkaan Katrina. Dit boek werd mij aanbevolen door één van mijn Blog vrienden, John Strain die in dat gebied woont. De titel van het boek is "The Great Deluge" - De Grote Overstroming van Douglas Brinkley.
Yesterday morning I went to the small city called Schagen to see if my ordered book had arrived at the bookshop. I had ordered a book describing the events during and after the calamity in New Orleans caused by the hurricane Katrina. This book was recommended to me by one of my Blog friends, John Strain who lives in that area. The title of the book is "The Great Deluge" by Douglas Brinkley
Yesterday morning I went to the small city called Schagen to see if my ordered book had arrived at the bookshop. I had ordered a book describing the events during and after the calamity in New Orleans caused by the hurricane Katrina. This book was recommended to me by one of my Blog friends, John Strain who lives in that area. The title of the book is "The Great Deluge" by Douglas Brinkley
It was rather early in the morning when I left home and arrived in Schagen. The main street had died out because access had been concluded, on both sides of the road fences had been placed. On the road itself two lanes were made with sand and had been marked with grass. I had, however, a presumption what was going to happen there, probably something with horses, but I had no idea what all this presented. So I walked by along the fences toward the centre of Schagen.
En ja hoor, het had met paarden te maken. Zoals hierboven te zien is werden diverse paarden over de straat geleid, waarschijnlijk om de dieren de omgeveing te laten verkennen. Maar ik wist nog steeds niet wat er ging plaatsvinden. Op grote gele spandoeken stond: "Harddraverijvereniging West-Friesland Schagen", nou vertaal dat maar eens in het Engels.
Well yes, it had something to do with horses. As shown on the photos here, several horses were conducted on the street, probably to let the animals explore the surroundings. But I still did not know what was the meaning of this all. On large yellow banners was written "Harddraverijvereniging west-Friesland Schagen", Well, how do I translate that in English :-) - Horse Racing Club West-Friesland, Schagen??
Uit de luidsprekers langs de baan werd onophoudelijk en luidkeels omgeroepen wie dit evenement sponsorden, de fietsenmaker, een autobedrijf, DE Bank, de bakker, de muziekwinkel en nog een hele rij bedrijven. Maar hoe harder en hoe vaker ze schreeuwen, hoe minder het tot me doordringt. Natuurlijk kon er een gokje worden gewaagd aan de loketten in het mobiele wedkantoor, dat hoort bij paardenraces. Er werd al vroeg ingelegd op de winnaar of hoe de race zou gaan verlopen. Maar nog steeds wist ik niet precies wat er ging gebeuren. Ik ben een volslagen leek op dit gebied.
From the loudspeakers along the race-course came continuous and loud announcements who the sponsors were of this event, a bicycle repair shop, a car company, a bank, a baker, a local music shop and still a complete list of other shops and companies who commit. But the louder they scream the less it penetrates my brain. Of course a bet could be ventured to the counters in the mobile bet office. Bets for the winner were made . But I still did not know exactly what would happen. I know nothing about horse races.
En daar kwamen de eerste deelnemers om de baan te verkennen en een paar proefrondjes te lopen. Als je dit nooit eerder hebt meegemaakt dan geeft het een heel apart gevoel om zo'n paard voorbij te zien draven. Het geluid van de hoeven over dat smalle strookje zand kun je horen en voelen door de grond waarop je staat. Ik hoorde en zag de kracht van het paard en dat was voor mij werkelijk een belevenis.
There the first participants came forward to explore the track and to make a couple of test rounds. If you have not experienced this before than it is complete new feeling to see these horses run. The sound of horse feet on the sand on that narrow strip, to you hear and feels their running through the ground on which your state. I heard and saw the strength of the horse and that was really a new experience for me.
Whereas more and more people came to the playground tried tol get hold of a nice place, test rounds became also faster. Stamping horse feet and the snorting and breaches through the wide opend noses made it all more sensational. Someone who stood beside me and apparently an expert, gave me all kind of explanation concerning bets and game rules. And at the counters of bet office good good deals were made. More and more people will venture a bet, which resulted in a record amount of cash up to the last moment.
En daar begon het het dan eindelijk. De eerste koppels starten hun eerste ronde en degenen die hadden gewed controleerden meteen hoe hun favorieten het deden. Na een aantal races te hebben gezien ben ik weer naar huis gegaan, want daar zat mijn hond ook weer te wachten om te worden uitgelaten. Zo'n dag is zo snel om, dan eerst de foto's op de computer zetten, stukjes schrijven en proberen te vertalen in begrijpelijk Engels, het is nogal wat werk, maar erg leuk om te doen.
At last the races started. The first two couples start their round and those who had betted checked immediately how their favourites were doing. After a number of races a I went home, because my dog was waiting for her 1 hour walk. After doing my daily duty I firstly transposed the photos to the computer, wrote this post, trying to translate this into understandable English, after all it is quite a lot of work, but very nice to do.
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