English version
A few hours ago I learned that our Blogfriend Ellen peacefully passed after many years of fighting against an aggressive form of cancer. Although we have never met each other in person, there has grown an enormous link of friendship between us. A friendship arisen from frankly written posts in public as well as in e-mails, concerning everyday items.
Ellen conducted a huge fight against the cancer which had found her. Tireless she fought back, every day and did not want to deliver themselves. Almost daily she let her innumerable blogfriends know how she felt and which plans she had made to obtain as much as possible from life. She had planned to enjoy every moment together with her endless love, her husband Curtis. A love he answered in the same manner and with an inexhaustible strength he has assisted her to the very last moment, but they lost the unequal fight against that devastating sickness. Now Ellen have passung away, unwanted leaving a man behind in grief and lonelyness. It's up to us to mentally support him as much as possible, and for everybody who wants to know more concerning Ellen and Curtis can take a look on
Now I am writing all this, all kinds of memories to the posts of Ellen's weblog come up. And also to the chats we had in Microsoft's Live Messenger. These meetings were so nice because Ellen could read and understand so well the Dutch language. She learned Dutch from her parents and her older brothers and she maintained it so well. She had an unbelievable feeling for languages. Sometimes, when she felt good enough, she tried to write something in Dutch and she did it so good. She was a clever, emotional and funny sweetheart at the same time.
The way we were communicating went best when I wrote in Dutch and she in English and it was great, we had a lot of fun this way. Such a chat party could take sometimes an hour or more, because we both had so much pleasure in "talking" this way to each other. She told tales which she had heard frpm her father concerning Rotterdam, and I did the same. Sometimes we had heard exactly the same tales told by our fathers, and then she had so much fun. Sometimes there were also emotional moments, then she said: "I have to cry, sorry, I am a "jankerd" (cryer). I am so happy that I have found a new Dutch contact". She felt a strong link with this small country, and it gave us so much pleasure to discuss, share and exchange ideas and experiences with each other. These meetings are unforgetable for me and I will terribly mis her. She asked me, and I promised her that we will continue our friendship with Curtis and stay in contact as long as he wants.
I wish Curtis much strength, I know that he is a realist, but I also know that the coming period is inconceivable sadly for him and I think all his and Ellen's Blogfriends will write almost daily.
Good-bye Ellen and look down so now and then, bless each of us who love you so much with good memories of a wonderful friend.
Dutch version
Een paar uur geleden vernam ik dat onze blogvriendin Ellen vredig is ingeslapen na een jarenlange strijd tegen een agressieve vorm van kanker. Hoewel wij elkaar nooit in persoon hebben ontmoet, is er toch een enorme band van vriendschap gegroeid. Een vriendschap die is ontstaan uit openhartige stukjes die mensen elkaar publiekelijk schrijven over dingen die hen elke dag bezighouden.
Ellen voerde een gigantisch gevecht met de kanker die haar had getroffen. Onvermoeibaar vocht zij dagelijks terug en wilde zich niet overgeven. Bijna dagelijks liet zij haar talloze blogvrienden weten hoe zij er voorstond en welke plannen zij koesterde om zoveel mogelijk uit het leven te halen. Zij had zich voorgenomen om van elk moment te genieten, samen met haar grootste liefde, haar man Curtis. Een liefde die door hem op dezelfde wijze werd beantwoord. Met een onuitputtelijke kracht heeft hij haar bijgestaan tot het allerlaatste moment. Maar de ongelijke strijd tegen die verwoestende ziekte hebben zij nu verloren. Nu Ellen is heengegaan blijft er een man achter in groot verdriet en het is aan ons om hem zoveel mogelijk mentaal te steunen en wie iets meer wil weten over Ellen en Curtis kan een kijkje nemen op de
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